Access Agriculture is a non-profit organisation that showcases agricultural training videos in local languages. We strive to promote the transition towards agroecology and organic farming across the global South. To impact on rural livelihoods, please explore Access Agriculture.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Nourrir les poissons (résumé)
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Qu'est-ce que c’est le plancton, et pourquoi est-il important de stimuler la croissance du plancton? Des agriculteurs expérimentés de Bangladesh expliquent comment ils gèrent la qualité de l'eau dans les étangs piscicoles familiaux, et pourquoi il est crucial de donner des suppléments alimentaires pour augmenter la production des poissons.
Téléchargez le podcast audio complet dans différentes langues sur :

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Hardening crabs in floating cages (Summary)
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
You can make a cage from bamboo to contain the crabs. Soft crabs must be separated so they do not fight and damage each other. Give each crab half of a tiny fish per day. If the crab has not eaten its food, it is sick and must be removed. In 10 to 15 days, the crabs will have a hard shell and can be sold.
Download the full audio podcast in different languages at: www.accessagriculture.org

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Stocking fingerlings in a nursery pond (Summary)
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Fingerlings are extremely delicate. They must be transported, kept and fed well if you want a good harvest. If not, you may lose all the money you invested. Using a nursery pond you can easily grow quality fingerlings to make more profit.
Download the full audio podcast in different languages at: www.accessagriculture.org

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Food for fish (Summary)
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
What is plankton, and why does it matter to stimulate plankton growth? Experienced farmers in Bangladesh explain how they manage water quality in ponds, and why supplementary feeding is crucial to boost fish production.
Download the full audio podcast in different languages at: www.AccessAgriculture.org